Tuesday 17 September 2013

Romantic Estonian Phrases

If you have an Estonian boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife, no doubt there would come a time when you wanted to express your love and affection for them in their native language. Finding the right words is not easy - I know, for I have been looking for a suitable phrase list myself for quite some time and never managed to find a good one. So now I have taken matters into my own hands and compiled a list of my own. It's only the start however, I will add more phrases in time. I hope you like it!

I'm so happy I met you  - Ma olen nii õnnelik, et kohtusin Sinuga
I like you - Sa meeldid mulle
I like you alot - Sa meeldid mulle väga
I find you very attractive - Sa oled väga atraktiivne
You've got a great smile - Sul on väga ilus naeratus
You've got beautiful eyes - Sul on ilusad silmad
You're really sexy - Sa oled tõeliselt seksikas
You're beautiful - Sa oled ilus
You look great! - Sa näed väga hea välja!    
I have so much fun with you - Sinuga on alati nii tore.
I'm crazy about you - Ma olen sinu järele hull
I think about you all the time - Mõtlen Sinust kogu aeg
You are so dear to me - Sa oled mulle nii kallis
I think you're amazing! - Ma arvan, et Sa oled hämmastav!
No one makes me feel like you do - Keegi ei pane mind tundma nii nagu Sina seda teed
I adore you - Ma jumaldan sind
I love you - Ma armastan sind
You fill my heart with joy - Sa täidad mu südame rõõmuga  
What would I do without you? - Mida ma Sinuta teeksin?
My life is complete with you - Mu elu on Sinuga täiuslik 
We belong together - Me kuulume kokku
You're the one for me - Sa oled mulle ainus
I love you more and more each day -  Ma armastan Sind iga päevaga aina rohkem
You mean the world to me - Sa tähendad mulle tervet maailma
I love you with all my heart - Armastan Sind kogu südamest
You are the sunshine of my life - Sa oled mu elu päikesepaiste 
I will always love you - Ma jään Sind alati armastama
I love you more than anything - Armastan Sind rohkem, kui kõike muud
I dream of you day and night - Unistan Sinust nii päeval kui õõ
I miss you - Ma igatsen sind
Will you marry me? - Kas sa abiellud minuga?
I am madly in love with you - Olen Sinusse põõraselt armunud
I can't live without you - Ma ei suuda Sinuta elada
You are the love of my life - Sa oled mu eluarmastus
I love you as you are, don't ever change - Ma armastan Sind sellisena, nagu Sa oled, ära iial muutu