Tuesday 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas - The Estonian Way

Christmas has officially begun in Estonia. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day are all public holidays in Estonia with tonight being particularly special. It is when Estonians come together, cook up a feast, go to church and listen to the president's Christmas speech - an Estonian tradition which has taken place for the past 350 years (prior to Independence it would have been the governor or whoever was the figurehead at the time).

I recently discovered an old Estonian Christmas tradition that my family failed to tell me involving the gift giving process. Straight after Christmas dinner (which takes place on December 24) people sit around the tree and in order to be given their gifts you must either sing a song, recite a poem or do a dance. For those not talented in those areas you could also perhaps do a trick or say a joke. It sounds like a very jolly way to celebrate Christmas so this year I have decided to adopt this tradition into my Christmas festivities. The more fun the better!

Merry Christmas everyone! If you're like me and wish you could be in Estonia for Christmas this year, let's try to make it happen next year!