Friday, 27 September 2013

Book Review - "Viru tänav ja teised" (Viru street and others) by Erika Aulik

I discovered an interesting new book today that is now on the top of my "to buy list". The book, entitled Viru Street and Others by Erika Aulik gives a facinating acocunt of life in Estonia before World War II and during the beginning of the Soviet occupation. The book mentions my great uncle Paul Lesthal who was the director of insurance company Eesti Lloyd so you can imagine I'm eager to get my hands on a copy! Viru Street and Others was first published in 2004 then reprinted in 2006 so I'm guessing it's quite a good read.

Viru Street and Others can be purchased online via Apollo's bookshop.

Apollo's book Summary

Rikkaliku fotomaterjaliga paeluv mälestusteraamat, kus autor kirjeldab elu Tallinnas Eesti Vabariigi ajal enne Teist maailmasõda, sõja ajal ja nõukogude okupatsiooni alguses. Värvikalt on esitatud tollase Tallinna ärielu, kuid et autor liikus ka kultuuriringkondades, siis võib raamatust leida huvitavaid seiku Marie Underi, Artur Adsoni, Johannes Aaviku ja teiste tolleaegsete kultuuriinimeste elust.

Abundant photographic material fascinating memoirs book, where the author describes life in Tallinn, Republic of Estonia before World War II, the war and the beginning of the Soviet occupation. Is vividly presented in the then business life, but the author moved in cultural circles, you might find the book interesting moments occurred Marie Under, Artur Adson, John Aaviku the contemporary culture and other people's lives. eloquently written work revives a piece of the world will be permanently lost.