There are dozens of houses in Tallinn's Old Town in which ghosts are believed to have appeared. Over the centuries these haunted houses have been the basis of many myths and legends that have entertained eager listeners. Historian Jaak Juske has published a collection of some of these ghost stories in his new book Tallinna vanalinna kõhedad kummituslood. The book includes an introduction to the history of the Old Town and is currently available only in Estonian.
Ilus Eesti, beautiful Estonia. My family's homeland. Estonia's countryside and people have an endearing gentleness about them which you fall in love with slowly and imperceptibly. I have nothing but respect and admiration for Estonians' courage and determination to survive despite centuries of repression, tyranny and foreign occupation. This blog aims to promote Estonian news, history and culture and seeks to enlighten readers about everything this unique country has to offer.