Thursday 12 October 2023

The best places for stargazing in Estonia

Modern living has its advantages but also its drawbacks.  One disadvantage of living in a densely populated urban area is pollution, including light pollution. Astronomy enthusiasts often bemoan the light pollution which makes it impossible to fully appreciate the night sky in all its beauty.  

Fortunately in Estonia, the situation is not as bad as it is in other countries. With its extremely low population density and vast forests, Estonia offers an excellent opportunity to enjoy the splendour of the night sky.

The island of Hiiumaa is the least lightpolluted area in Estonia. It's a great place for astrophotography.

Other places in Estonia that has good visability for stargazing include:

1. Tõravere Observatory: Located near Tartu, the Tõravere Observatory offers regular stargazing events and workshops, as well as access to its telescopes and other equipment.

2. Lake Peipsi: Estonia's largest lake with its clear freshwater, is a great location for viewing stars under the dark sky.

3. Virtsu: Virtsu is a small coastal village on the west coast of Estonia, and it offers some of the darkest skies in the country. The nearby Virtsu Observatory is also a great place for stargazing.

It's important to note that stargazing is best on a crisp, clear winters night when the moon is in the crescent or gibbous phase. During the summer transparency is not the best due to humidity, dust and clouds.