Tuesday 26 March 2024

Estonians and their Neighbours

The Tartu 24 short film starring Ott Sepa and Märt Avandi reminded me of a few Estonian expressions regarding neighbours. Estonians typically like their space and don't mind isolation, therefore generally preferring a bit of distance between themselves and their neighbours. In fact, during the coronavirus pandemic there was a meme circulating poking fun at Estonians natural habit of keeping a safe distance from each other. The joke was 'finally the terrible two metre distance rule is over, we can now go back to our usual five metre distance.' All Estonians chuckled at that meme because it rang true!

There have been times when my neighbours have irked me making me wish they lived a little bit further away. The Estonian phrase 'hea kui naaber oleks selline, et mu aknast oleks vaevu näha nende korstna suitsu' has often come to mind. It's one of my favourite Estonian expressions.

While some neighbours like to engage in light-hearted banter, there are others who constantly try to outdo each other. Estonian novels such as Truth and Justice demonstrate some of the struggles and challenges faced with difficult neighbours. Setting boundaries and having a sturdy fence can often pave the way to a good relationship.