Friday 7 June 2024

Estonia's life expectancy has risen to a new record high

New data released from Statistics Estonia has revealed that Estonia's life expectancy has increased, surpassing the 2019 record. The average life expectancy in Estonia is now officially 79 years. Broken down according to gender, that is 83.1 years for women in Estonia and 74.5 years for men. However this is lower than the European average which is currently 81.5 years. Compared to the other Baltic countries, Estonia is faring well. Estonia has the highest life expectancy of 79 years compared to 77.3 years in Lithuania, and 75.9 years in Latvia. In Europe, life expectancy is the highest in Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Spain – a little over 84 years.

The 2023 data shows Estonian residents have 58 healthy life years. Men can expect to live disability-free for 56.4 years and women for 59.5 years. Life expectancy also correlates with educational attainment. Women with higher education have a life expectancy of 86 years, while men with basic education can expect to live 68.3 years.