Friday 2 April 2021

Nedsaja Küla Bänd - Seda veel ei tea (I do not know yet)

The Easter holidays are upon us, so now is the time to relax, eat some tasty treats and listen to some good Estonian music. 'Seda veel ei tea' is a catchy tune with a nice story that was a hit in Estonia earlier this year. English translation of the lyrics can be found below.

English translation of the lyrics.

Once upon a time there was one old man
With his son on a poor farm
One day it happened
Their only horse disappeared
All neighbours expressed compassion
About their misfortunate life
Man thought a little and answered them
Shaking his head
I do not know yet, I do not know yet
Is this good or is this bad
I do not know yet, I do not know yet
Whether is this good or is this bad
Soon the horse was back
But not alone
Three wild horses
It brought
All neighbours envied them:
"You are still lucky"
Man thought a little and answered them
Shaking his head
Son tried to ride the horse
On its back
But had an unhappy fall
And broke his leg.
All neigbours expressed the compassion
About their unsuccessful life
Man thought a little and answered them
Shaking his head
Soon the big war has began,
All men were invited there,
But the son with his broken leg
Had a paper from doctor
All friends envied him
You are still lucky
Son thought a little and answered them
Shaking his head
