Monday 3 July 2023

Estonians in their element at song and dance celebration

A very special weekend just passed in Estonia.  The 13th Youth Song and Dance Celebration took place in Tallinn and what a magnificent event it was.  Despite the rain on Sunday, the Estonian spirit shone bright for all to see. Estonians may be known for their reserved nature at times but during celebrations such as this, there were so  many happy smiling faces, glowing with happiness that it was clear they were all in their element.  

More than 30,000 performers took part in the procession to the song festival grounds in Tallinn yesterday where over 90,000 spectators gathered to watch. It was a spectacular sight and I regret not going,  but I've already taken a few trips this year. Thank goodness for the internet so I could watch it live in the comfort of my home.

The dance celebration at Kalev stadium.

 The beautiful national costume from the different regions of Estonia.

Procession to the song festival grounds.
To sing as one.

This is what it means to be a nation. 
To preserve language and culture as a community. 
A truly beautiful sight!