Tuesday 6 February 2024

Trickster Kaval-Ants voted most Estonian folk character

On Estonian Literature Day, the Tallinn Literature Centre and Vikerradio invited people to vote for the most Estonian folk character. Kaval-Ants won the competition, closely followed by Rehepapp. 

The Results:
 1. Kaval-Ants ("Crafty Hans," trickster, usually a farm hand).

2. Rehepapp (one of the oldest and most famous personages in Estonian folklore, endowed with both trickster and hero features, often tricking Vanapagan).

3. Kalevipoeg (a giant hero).

4. Vanapagan ("Old Devil," a cunning demon living on a farm or manor).

5. Kilplased (mythological village folk that came from the place called Uppakallo Village, located in the Peetri Parish of Järvamaa).

6. Kratt (a golem or demonic construct that stole and brought food, money and other worldly goods to its maker and owner in the form of a whirlwind or meteor-like tail of fire).

7. Reinuvader ("Reynard the Fox")

8. Vaeslaps ("Orphan")

9. Ahjualune ("Hobgoblin")

10. Siil (Hedgehog)

11. Põhja konn ("The Dragon of the North," or literally "Frog of the North," during the Crusades, Põhja konn is an ally of the Estonians, having helped them to fight against the Christian invaders in the past).

12. Libahunt (Estonian name for a werewolf)

13. Tark mees taskus ("A wise man in the pocket")

14. Pokud (characters resembling or masquerading as tufts of grass living a traditional way of life in the midst of nature).

15. Murueide tütred (female characters of perpetual youth, daughters of the moorland, related to "Meadow Maidens") .

16. Metsaema ("Forest mother")

17. Näkk (a shapeshifting water spirit, that often appears in a human shape, male or female, but sometimes also as an animal).

18. Sootuluke ("Will o' the Wisp")

19. Majauss (domestic grass-snake, protector spirit)

20. Kotermann (ship spirit)